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SHIMMER 100 Results

Dim 8 Avr 2018 11:58


* Jessica Troy & Charli Evans defeated Britt Baker & Chelsea Green via Double Team Stroke.

* Mia Yim, Kay Lee Ray & Rhia O’Reilly defeated Kellyanna, Veda Scott & Zoe Lucas after Kay Lee Ray landed the Swanton Bomb on Zoe Lucas.

* Kimber Lee (making her SHIMMER return) defeated Samantha Heights via Powerbomb into the Alligator Clutch.

* SHIMMER Tag Team Championship Match:
Leva Bates & Delilah Doom retain against Hudson Envy & Lufisto after Hudson accidentally kicks Lufisto which allowed Doom to roll-up for the win.

* Cheerleader Melissa defeated Shotzi Blackheart after avoiding a top rope Senton Bomb to counter with the Air Raid Crash.

* Madison Eagles defeated Deonna Purrazzo with a roundhouse kick to the back of the head.

* Toni Storm (making her SHIMMER debut) defeated Nicole Matthews via bridging Arm Bar after avoiding the Vancouver Maneuver and forcing Matthews to tap out.

* Heart of SHIMMER Championship Match:
Shazza McKenzie retains against Tessa Blanchard via Stunner from the second turnbuckle.

* SHIMMER Championship Match:
Nicole Savoy retained the SHIMMER Championship over Mercedes Martinez after forcing Martinez to tap the Ring of Saturn.

Source : Diva Dirt