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 Sujet du message: Beyond Wrestling Results 5.27.18 - Worcester, Massachusetts
MessagePosté: Lun 28 Mai 2018 16:40 
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Inscription: Lun 3 Nov 2008 21:52
Localisation: vers Bordeaux

Prénom: Julien

Sexe: Masculin

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/djoule33

Lutteur Catch-Dés: Lita
WWE Women

* Match 1: Team Pazuzu (Chris Dickinson, Jaka, Ortiz & Santana) vs The Skulk (Adrian Alanis, Leon Ruff, Liam Gray & Tommy Mazerati w/ AR Fox)
Winners: Team Pazuzu

* Match 2: AR Fox vs Jerome Daniels
Winner: AR Fox

* Match 3: For the Chikara Young Lion’s Cup – Cam Zamagi (w/ Brian Molinas) vs Green Ant (w/ Thief Ant)
Winner (and still champion): Cam Zagami

* Match 4: Jonathan Gresham vs Josh Briggs
Winner: Josh Briggs

* Match 5: Joey Janela vs WALTER (w/ Timothy Thatcher)
Winner: Joey Janela


* Match 6: Anthony Greene (w/ The Platinum Honeys, Angel & Ava Everett) vs Robo the Punjabi Lion (w/ Samara)
Winner: Robo the Punjabi Lion

* Match 7: David Starr (w/ Tessa Blanchard) vs Timothy Thatcher
Winner: David Starr

* Match 8: Matt Riddle vs Wheeler Yuta
Winner: Wheeler Yuta

* Main Event: Keith Lee vs Mia Yim
Winner: Mia Yim

Source : 411mania



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