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 Sujet du message: Results: SHIMMER Volumes 107 & 108
MessagePosté: Lun 22 Oct 2018 18:54 
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Inscription: Lun 3 Nov 2008 21:52
Localisation: vers Bordeaux

Prénom: Julien

Sexe: Masculin

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/djoule33

Lutteur Catch-Dés: Lita
WWE Women



* Queen Aminata defeats Layne Rosario via X-Factor.

* Dementia D’Rose defeats Trixie Tash


- The show opens with the full locker room of athletes, referees, and the officials at ringside. Dave has the mic. This is a tribute to Ray that passed away this summer.

* Holidead defeats Thunder Kitty.

* Vanessa Kraven defeats Dynamite Didi via choke bomb.

* Hyan defeats Solo Darling.

* Four-Way Match:
Kay Lee Ray defeats Kiera Hogan, Britt Baker, and Shotzi Blackheart via seated guillotine choke on Kiera.

- Lufisto is out next. She says she has been working for 12 years to get women’s wrestling to where it is today. She is taking the title shot she deserves. In the past, she focused on pleasing the fans instead of her own goals. She is here for herself.

* Willow Nightgale defeats Zoe Lucas via moonsault.

* Heart of SHIMMER Championship Match:
Dust defeats Samantha Heights to retain after Rosemary knocked Heights off the top rope allowing Dust to land a double stomp to the back.

* Shazza McKenzie defeated Jinny via split leg stunner from the middle rope.

* Viper defeated Kimber Lee after Viper rolled up Lee’s Alligator Clutch which enraged Kimber. Kimber attacked Viper after the match until Shazza made the save.

* Four-Way Elimination Match for the SHIMMER Tag Team Titles:
Cheerleader Melissa and Mercedes Martinez defeated Blue Nation (Charli Evans and Jessica Troy), Killer Death Machines (Jessicka Havok and Nevaeh) and Totally Tubular Tag Team (Delilah Doom and Leva Bates) after Lufisto provides the distraction to Nevaeh allowing Melissa and Mercedes to double team Havok to a pinfall and to win the tag titles.

* KC Spinelli defeats Veda Scott via inverted DDT.

* Sea Stars (Delmi Exo and Ashley Vox) defeated Undeniably Impressible (Tessa Blanchard & Indi Hartwell) when Delmi pinned Indi following a Senton from Ashley on Delmi’s shoulders.

* SHIMMER Championship Match:
Nicole Savoy defeats LuFisto via roll-up. Cheerleader Melissa and Mercedes Martinez tried to provide the distraction. Full brawl breaks out in the ring including the tag champs, Vanessa Kraven, Kimber Lee, Viper.


* Sierra defeats Allie Kat via stunner.

* Kiera Hogan defeats Solo Darling via a swinging neckbreaker.

* Shotzi Blackheart defeats Hyan with a top rope Senton.

* Jinny defeats Leva Bates.

* Zoe Lucas defeats Ashley Vox via standing split legdrop.

* Britt Baker defeats Indi Hartwell via submission with double arm bar

* Heart of SHIMMER Title match:
Dust (with Rosemary) defeats Willow Nightingale to retain the title with a double stomp from the Tree of Woe.
Post-match, Samantha Heights is out to explain to the referee about Rosemary’s interference. Dust and Rosemary beat her down.

* Tessa Blanchard defeats Kay Lee Ray after maneuvering around KLR guillotine into the pin.

* Nicole Savoy, Shazza McKenzie, Vanessa Kraven and Viper defeats LuFisto, Kimber Lee, and Mercedes Martinez when Shazza pins Kimber after a leg split stunner from the second rope.

Source : Diva Dirt



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