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 Sujet du message: 5/26/20 AEW Dark Results
MessagePosté: Jeu 28 Mai 2020 15:50 
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Inscription: Lun 3 Nov 2008 21:52
Localisation: vers Bordeaux

Prénom: Julien

Sexe: Masculin

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/djoule33

Lutteur Catch-Dés: Lita
WWE Women

Dark opens with Taz saying that he is not going to explain any part of his business relationship with Brian Cage. He is on commentary with Excalibur, and they run down the card for tonight’s show.

1. Natural Nightmares (Dustin Rhodes and QT Marshall) (w/Brandi Rhodes) defeated The Dark Order (Alex Reynolds and John Silver)
- During the match, Allie watched from the stands and Marshall’s attention was focused on her.

2. Michael Nakazawa defeated Brandon Cutler (via countout)
- This is the first countout finish in AEW history. After the match, Peter Avalon and Leva Bates come to the ring. Avalon says Cutler is the worst wrestler in AEW. Cutler says Avalon is afraid that he is going to get a win before him.

3. Jungle Boy (w/Luchasaurus and Marko Stunt) defeated Peter Avalon (w/Leva Bates)

4. Christopher Daniels defeated Serpentico

5. Joey Janela and Sonny Kiss defeated Brady Pierce and John Skyler

6. Jimmy Havoc and Kip Sabian (w/Penelope Ford) defeated Faboo Andre and Tony Donati

7. Wardlow (w/MJF) defeated Grim (via referee stoppage)

8. Colt Cabana defeated Lee Johnson

9. Penelope Ford (w/Kip Sabian) defeated KiLynn King

10. Best Friends (Chuck Taylor and Trent) (w/Orange Cassidy) defeated Alan Angels and Shawn Dean

Source : Gerweck



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