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4/18 JAPW Results featuring Jay Lethal

Lun 20 Avr 2009 17:28


Jersey All Pro Wrestling Results
Saturday April 18, 2008
Rahway, NJ

Annie Social of the D Factor w/ Jonny D defeated Miss April

JAPW World Tag Team Champions The Garden State Gods defeated The Best Around.

HYBRID Wrestling Heavyweight Championship Dave Cole (Champion) defeated Louis Lyndon.

Danny Demanto defeated Vicious Vin.

Da Heavy Hitters defeated The Osirian Portal.

Bandido Jr defeated Archadia via Tap Out..

JAPW Light Heavyweight Championship
Flip Kendrick (Champion) defeated Shiima Xion (Challenger)

The New DNA defeated Yujiro from No Limit and Sheik Abdul Bashir subbing for the injured Naito..

Main Event
JAPW World Champion Jay Lethal defeated Dan Maff after new D Factor member Trent Acid interfered.

JAPW Returns to Rahway, NJ on May 9th with the return of LAX and The Women's Division.....

Source : Gerweck
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