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 Sujet du message: CZW Tournament of Death Results
MessagePosté: Dim 26 Juin 2011 11:44 
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Inscription: Lun 3 Nov 2008 21:52
Localisation: vers Bordeaux

Prénom: Julien

Sexe: Masculin

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/djoule33

Lutteur Catch-Dés: Lita
WWE Women
International Trio Champion

* TOD Quarterfinal Match: Masada pinned Dysfunction in a Fans Bring the Weapons Match

* TOD Quarterfinal Match: Matt Tremont defeated Necro Butcher in a "Get Hit" Match

* TOD Quarterfinal Match: Jaki Numazawa pinned Danny Havoc in a "Festival of Light Tubes" Match

* TOD Quarterfinal Match: Masashi Takeda defeated 2010 TOD winner Scotty Vortekz in a Thumbtack Kick Pads Match

* TOD Semifinal Match: Masada defeated Matt Tremont in a Tenzans, Whips and Anything Else We Can F***ing Find In the Back Match

* TOD Semifinal Match: Masashi Takeda defeated Jaki Numazawa in a Barbed Wire Boards, Light Tubes and Thumbtacks Match

* Non-Tournament Match: Sami Callihan pinned Greg Excellent to earn a future match against DJ Hyde

* Non-Tournament Match: CZW Tag Team champions Joker & Black Jeez defeated CZW champion Devon Moore & mystery partner Little Mondo

* TOD Finals Match: Masada pinned Masashi Takeda to capture the 2011 CZW Tournament of Death in a barbed wire ropes, light tubes, panes of glass and whatever was left match

Source : 411mania



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