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MessagePosté: Dim 27 Mai 2018 09:05 
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Inscription: Lun 3 Nov 2008 21:52
Localisation: vers Bordeaux

Prénom: Julien

Sexe: Masculin

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/djoule33

Lutteur Catch-Dés: Lita
WWE Women
International Trio Champion

(1) Darius Lockhart defeated Serpentico in 8:30 with the a modified sitout facebuster .

(2) Monster Squad (Billy Brash & Joshua Cutshall) defeated Beautiful Bald Besties (Michael Stevens & Zac Edwards) in 6:50.

(3) “Manscout” Jake Manning defeated Effy (with Amy Rose) in 10:05.

- Crowd chanted “thank you Effy” and “Please come back” after the match.

(4) Ugly Ducklings (Rob Killjoy & Lance Lude with Coach Mikey) defeated Country Jacked (Gunner Miller & Brady Pierce) to retain the PWX tag titles in 10:30.

Postmatch – Country Jacked beat Mikey down and broke his arm. Mikey sold the injury huge and stormed out of the building with the Duckling after intermission, presumably en route to the hospital.

(5) Hudson Envy defeated Su Yung in 10:07.

(6) Ian Maxwell & Mr. Sleaze & Cam Carter & Sean Legacy defeated The Syndicate (Jason Cade & Montana Black & Elijah Evans IV & BOSS (with THE Tommy Thomas) by DQ in 11:35.

Postmatch – Syndicate got into a brouhaha with ringside fans. Somebody’s crutch ended up in the ringside area. Cade got into it with the same cameraman he had problems with at the Pure show.

(7) Ethan Case defeated Tracer X to retain the PXW Championship in 17:50.

(8) John Skyler defeated Corey Hollis in a steel cage I Quit match 31:32.

Source : PWInsider



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