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 Sujet du message: PWA vs. MCW Worlds Collide Results 12.19.21
MessagePosté: Mar 21 Déc 2021 09:08 
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Inscription: Lun 3 Nov 2008 21:52
Localisation: vers Bordeaux

Prénom: Julien

Sexe: Masculin

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/djoule33

Lutteur Catch-Dés: Lita
Universal Tag Team Champion


- PWA and MCW presented their joint Worlds Collide show in Thornbury, Australia over the weekend, and the results are online.

* Slex pinned Lyrebird Luchi with the Flexection (MCW up 1 – 0)

* Gore pinned Jimmy Townsend after Kracker Jak interfered.

* Paris de Silva and Mat Diamond beat Stevie Filip and Tome Filip (MCW & PCW tied 1 – 1)

* Ballroom Blitz:
Jessica Troy won the vacant MCW Women’s Title over Skylar Cruize, Cherry Stephens, Chanel Phoenix, Lily Blaze, Aysha, Kingsley, and Delta.

* MCW Intercommonwealth Championship Match:
Royce Chambers pinned Rocky Menero with an inside cradle to win the title.

* Jack J. Bonza pinned Mitch Waterman after interference from Kingsley (PWA up 2 – 1)

* Caveman Ugg, Mikey Broderick, and Tyson Baxter beat Mick Moretti, Mat Rogers, and Kai Drake (MCW & PCW tied 1 – 1)

* Ricky South pinned Adam Brooks after interference from Mick Moretti (PWA Black Label wins 3 – 2)

Source : 411mania



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