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 Sujet du message: Rev Pro Live in London 57 Results 1.9.22
MessagePosté: Mar 11 Jan 2022 21:25 
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Inscription: Lun 3 Nov 2008 21:52
Localisation: vers Bordeaux

Prénom: Julien

Sexe: Masculin

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/djoule33

Lutteur Catch-Dés: Lita
WWE Women
International Trio Champion


Revolution Pro Wrestling held its Live in London 57 show on Sunday, with the Undisputed British Tag Team Titles on the line and more.

* Dan Moloney pinned Lee Hunter after the Drilla Killer.

* Callum Newman and JJ Gale beat Joshua James and David Francisco when Newman pinned James. The match ended up being a short 2-on-1 due to Francisco getting injured in the first couple of minutes. Dan Moloney attacked everyone afterwards.

* Mariah May pinned Laura Di Matteo after interference from Shaun Jackson.

* Francesco Akira pinned Connor Mills after a diving double knees finisher.


* Undisputed British Cruiserweight Michael Oku beat Lucian Phillips with the half crab submission in a non-title match.

* Undisputed British Women’s Champion Alex Windsor came to the ring to cut a promo. She’s been out of action with an injury. It looked like she was going to announce vacating the title but it was a swerve. She said she was doing an Open Challenge defense for the High Stakes show at York Hall on 1/29/22. Charli Evans came out to answer the challenge.

* Luke Jacobs pinned Kid Lykos after a driver. Robbie X was the scheduled opponent for Jacobs but he’s out with an injury.

* Chuck Mambo and TK Cooper won the Undisputed British Tag Team Titles from Ricky Knight Jr. and Zak Knight in the main event. Zak was a substitute for Roy Knight who was not medically cleared to compete.

Source : 411mania



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