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 Sujet du message: NWA Powerrr Results 3.29.22
MessagePosté: Mer 30 Mar 2022 20:32 
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Inscription: Lun 3 Nov 2008 21:52
Localisation: vers Bordeaux

Prénom: Julien

Sexe: Masculin

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/djoule33

Lutteur Catch-Dés: Lita
WWE Women


The latest episode of NWA Powerrr saw the World Tag Team Titles put on the line during the main event, plus more.

- Matt Cardona cut a promo taking shots at Tim Storm for interfering in his Crockett Cup match with Nick Aldis and challenging Storm to a match, with an NWA Worlds Heavyweight Championship match on the line. Storm accepted.

* Kamille defeated Madi Wrenkowski

- The Pope cuts a promo teasing a run at the Worlds Championship. Pope said he hopes Trevor Murdoch doesn’t forget who he is, and hopes the people support him.

* Magic Jake Dumas defeated Rodney Mack

* The Cardona Family defeated Ill Forgotten

- Chris Adonis addressed his split from Thom Latimer and said he’s going after the National Championship

* Cyan accepts Tyrus’ bodyslam challenge, vowing to slam Tyrus and win the TV Championship.

* Nick Aldis defeated Deonte Marshall

* NWA World Tag Team Championship Match:
La Rebellion defeated The End

Source : 411mania



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