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 Sujet du message: Lucha Report du 31/01/09
MessagePosté: Dim 1 Fév 2009 11:37 
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Inscription: Lun 3 Nov 2008 21:52
Localisation: vers Bordeaux

Prénom: Julien

Sexe: Masculin

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/djoule33

Lutteur Catch-Dés: Lita
WWE Women
International Trio Champion


Hijo del Santo responded yesterday to some rumors that he would be working for AAA soon saying that even with the differences he has with Paco Alonso, he would always prefer working for them than AAA. Santo did say though that he highly doubts he would be returning to Arena Mexico anytime soon due to his problems with Paco and it’s a shame for the great fans that he would put his love of money over the wrestlers he employs.


AAA 1/29 – Circus Circus del Distrito Federal (night club show mainly for women)
1. Sexy Star/Mascarita Sagrada/Pimpinela Escarlata beat Fabi Apache/Mini Psicosis/Polvo de Estrellas
2. The Hart Foundation 2.0 (Jack Evans & Teddy Hart) defeated Alex Koslov & Rocky Romero
3. Elegido & El Mesias beat Kenzo Suzuki & Zorro

CMLL 1/30 – Arena Mexico
1. Astro Boy/Hijo del Faraon/Tony Rivera beat Apocalipsis/Inquisidor/Polvora
2. Mascara Purpura/Maximo/Rey Cometa defeated Felino/Vangelis/Virus
3. Mexican National Femenil Title: Princesa Blanca beat Marcela to win the title.
4. La Ola Lagunera (Black Warrior/Blue Panther/Ultimo Guerrero) defeated Averno/Mephisto/Villano V by DQ when Villano III attacked Panther.
5. Atlantis/Negro Casas/Mr. Niebla beat Mistico/La Sombra/Volador Jr. after Negro & Niebla ripped Sombra & Volador’s masks and pinned them to set up a future CMLL Tag Titles match.

Source : Gerweck


 Sujet du message: Re: Lucha Report du 31/01/09
MessagePosté: Lun 2 Fév 2009 11:27 
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Inscription: Sam 27 Déc 2008 15:25

Prénom: Damien

Sexe: Masculin
Enfin une victoire des he Hart Foundation 2.0.

 Sujet du message: Re: Lucha Report du 31/01/09
MessagePosté: Lun 2 Fév 2009 12:27 
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Inscription: Ven 2 Jan 2009 15:25

Lutteur Catch-Dés: Bret Hart
Legends WCW World Heavyweight Money In The Bank

Merci Djoule !



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