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 Sujet du message: Lucha Report du 25/04/16
MessagePosté: Mar 26 Avr 2016 12:28 
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Inscription: Lun 3 Nov 2008 21:52
Localisation: vers Bordeaux

Prénom: Julien

Sexe: Masculin

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/djoule33

Lutteur Catch-Dés: Lita
WWE Women
International Trio Champion


Joel Aguilar Levario who worked as Alastor on the Distrito Federal independent scene died on 4/21 after being hit by a car at the age of 27. There was a situation the evening of 4/21 with a public transport van and a car with 3 passengers where there was some road rage going on. Alastor was in the car and as the vehicles were parked arguing with each other he got out of the car trying to prevent the van from leaving but they left anyway and hit him causing his death. The local police arrested both men in the van and the driver is looking at vehicular homicide charges.

Kamaitachi is through with his commitments in Mexico and is working out of the United States right now and presumably has become a free agent as he isn't expected in New Japan any time soon. I would not be shocked if he wasn't part of the WWE's Global Cruiserweight Series before it's said and done.


CaraLucha Promociones 4/23 - Arena San Juan Pantitlan
1. 3 Way Dance: Fiero beat Leonidas & Coyote
2. Centella Atomica & Wasson defeated Alas de Oro & Principe Aereo
3. La Mala Hierba (Centvrion/Dragon Celta/Latigo) beat Los Indystrongtibles (Arez/Belial/Impulso)
4. Black Terry (subbing for Trauma II) & Trauma I defeated Magnifico & Templario
5. El Satanico battled Ultimo Guerrero to a DDQ when both men fouled each other in a strong match.

EMLL 4/19 - Arena Coliseo de Guadalajara
1. Capitan Cobra & Magico beat Mr. Apolo & Rey Trueno
2. El Divino/Flyer/Marvel defeated Akuma/Espiritu Negro/Jocker
3. Los Kamikazes de Oriente (Fujin/Shigeo Okumura/Raijin) beat El Gallo/Rey Cometa/Triton
4. Bobby Z defeated Angel de Oro after ripping off his mask and pinning him.
5. Atlantis/Marco Corleone/Volador Jr. beat La Fuerza TRV (Damian el Terrible/Rey Bucanero/Vangelis)

EMLL 4/22 - Arena Mexico
1. Shockercito & Stukita beat Mercurio & Nitrito
2. Esfinge/Pegasso/Triton defeated El Cuatrero/Escandalo/Virus by DQ
3. Angel de Oro/Rey Cometa/Stuka Jr. beat Euforia/Olimpico/Ripper
4. Torneo de Parejas Increibles - Block B - Quarterfinals: El Caristico & Cibernetico defeated The Panther & Tiger
5. Torneo de Parejas Increibles - Block B - Quarterfinals: Rey Escorpion & Ultimo Guerrero beat Titan & Vangelis
6. Torneo de Parejas Increibles - Block B - Quarterfinals: Dragon Lee II & La Mascara defeated Maximo Sexy & Damian el Terrible
7. Torneo de Parejas Increibles - Block B - Quarterfinals: Atlantis & Gran Guerrero beat Brazo de Plata & Kraneo
8. Torneo de Parejas Increibles - Block B - Semifinals: El Caristico & Cibernetico defeated Rey Escorpion & Ultimo Guerrero
9. Torneo de Parejas Increibles - Block B - Semifinals: Atlantis & Gran Guerrero beat Dragon Lee II & La Mascara with DL II hobbling his way throughout working with an injury.
10. Torneo de Parejas Increibles - Block B - Finals: El Caristico & Cibernetico defeated Atlantis & Gran Guerrero
11. La Nueva Sky Team (Mascara Dorada/Mistico II/Volador Jr.) beat El Barbaro Cavernario/Felino/Mephisto (subbing for Mr. Niebla)

EMLL 4/23 - Arena Coliseo
1. Apocalipsis beat Bengala
2. Sensei defeated Camorra
3. Artillero beat Magnus
4. Stigma defeated Espanto Jr.
5. Fuego beat Disturbio
6. Blue Panther & Titan defeated Misterioso II & Pierroth in a good match with fans throwing money in the ring afterwards.
7. Angel de Oro/Atlantis/La Mascara beat Euforia/Gran Guerrero/Vangelis even though Angel de Oro & Mascara had some problems.

Independent 4/19 - Arena Aficion de Pachuca
1. Princesa Mohicana & Sexy Girl beat Blue Danger & Hetzza
2. Dr. Cirujano/Dr. Psiquatrico/Gran Markus Jr. defeated Boris/Concord/El Exotico
3. Mini Psycho Clown & Mini Psicosis beat Dinastia & Mini Drago
4. Lumberjack Match: Argenis & Nino Hamburguesa defeated Estrella Divina & Polvo de Estrellas
5. Super Libre: Cuervo/Escoria/Super Fly beat Hijo del Pirata Morgan/Joe Lider/Mascara Ano Dos Mil Jr. when Super Fly fouled and pinned Lider.

Source : PWInsider



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