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 Sujet du message: 1/19 AAA “Total Conquest 2019” results - Mexico City, Mexico
MessagePosté: Lun 21 Jan 2019 18:09 
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Inscription: Lun 3 Nov 2008 21:52
Localisation: vers Bordeaux

Prénom: Julien

Sexe: Masculin

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/djoule33

Lutteur Catch-Dés: Lita
WWE Women
International Trio Champion

Lanzelot & Villano III Jr. & Lady Marvavilla vs. Dinastia & Nino Hamburguesa & Lady Shani
Nino got the pin on Villano III Jr. after the big splash off the top rope.

Tito Santana & Carta Brava, Jr. & Mocho Cota, Jr. vs. Laredo Kid & Mysteziz, Jr. & Hijo Del Vikingo
Brava Jr. pinned Kid after grabbing at Kid’s mask and hitting a spear for the pin.

La Máscara & Chessman & Faby Apache vs. Murder Clown & Maximo & Taya Valkyrie with Brazo de Platino
Maximo pinned La Máscara after giving him a kiss to shock him and rolling him up with an inside cradle.

La Parka Negra vs. Dave the Clown vs. Killer Kross
Killer Kross used his choke out finisher on Dave the Clown for the submission win after taking Parka Negra out with a powerbomb.

Joe Lider and Texano Jr. vs. Brian Cage and Pagano
Pagano shoved Texano Jr. off the ropes into a table that was set up in the ring and gave the leg drop off the top rope for the pin.

Main event- Rey Escorpio & Blue Demon Jr. & Hijo Del Fantasma vs. Psycho Clown & Dr. Wagner Jr. & La Parka
Hijo Del Fantasma pinned La Parka after a tombstone piledriver.

Source : PWInsider



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