Univers Catch Forum


7/7/20 AEW Dark Results

Mer 8 Juil 2020 17:36

Excalibur and Taz are on commentary from Jacksonville, Florida.

1. Shawn Spears (w/Tully Blanchard) defeated Brian Pillman Jr.
- After the match, Spears lays Pillman out with the loaded glove.

2. Big Swole defeated Rache Chanel

Alex Marvez sits down with Allie and Brandi Rhodes. Allie brings up when Rhodes beat her with Awesome Kong’s help a year ago, but Rhodes says this is a second chance. They argue a bit, and then Dustin Rhodes comes in and says everyone knows she is going to turn on QT Marshall. He says how about she proves everyone wrong and to not mess with his family. Brandi says she doesn’t know if she and Allie are a family, but she still wants to be a team, and Allie agrees.

3. Frankie Kazarian defeated Luther

4. Eight-Man Tag Team Match
Lucha Brothers (Pentagon Jr. and Rey Fenix) and The Butcher and The Blade defeated Brady Pierce, Faboo Andre, Joe Alonzo, and Tony Donati

5. Orange Cassidy defeated Will Hobbs

6. Michael Nakazawa defeated Shawn Dean

7. Scorpio Sky defeated Serpentico

8. Dark Order (Evil Uno and Stu Grayson) (w/5, 10, Alex Reynolds, and John Silver) defeated Brandon Cutler and Peter Avalon (w/Leva Bates)

Source : Gerweck