Univers Catch Forum


4/25/22 AEW Elevation Results

Mar 26 Avr 2022 08:22

Excalibur, Mark Henry, and Paul Wight are on commentary from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

* Ten-Man Tag Team Match
Dark Order (10, Alan Angels, Alex Reynolds, Evil Uno, and Stu Grayson) (w/-1) defeated Buck Nasty, Jake Omen, Luther, RC Dupree, and Tito Oric

* Kris Statlander defeated Julia Hart

* Konosuke Takeshita defeated Brandon Cutler

* Tony Nese (w/Smart Mark Sterling) defeated Steel City Brawler

* Minoru Suzuki defeated QT Marshall (w/Aaron Solo and Nick Comoroto)

* John Silver (w/-1) defeated Vince Valor

* Trios Tag Team Match
Anna Jay, Ruby Soho, and Skye Blue (w/-1) defeated Emi Sakura, Nyla Rose, and The Bunny

* Penta Oscuro (w/Alex Abrahantes) defeated Max Caster (w/Anthony Bowens)

Source : Gerweck