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 Sujet du message: AIW JT Lightning Memorial Tournament Results 5.25.18
MessagePosté: Sam 26 Mai 2018 17:06 
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Inscription: Lun 3 Nov 2008 21:52
Localisation: vers Bordeaux

Prénom: Julien

Sexe: Masculin

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/djoule33

Lutteur Catch-Dés: Lita
WWE Women
International Trio Champion

* Tom Lawlor over Frankie Flynn.

* Dominic Garrini over Louis Lyndon.

* MJF over Space Monkey.

* Joshua Bishop (subbing for an injured Little Guido) over rival Josh Prohibition.

* Matthew Justice over Ethan Page.

* Jody Fleisch over Andrew Everett in a great match to end the first half.

* Tracy Williams over AJ Gray.

* Gangrel busted a few brackets with a surprise win over Tim Donst,

* Colin Delaney over Cheech in a match between Too Infinity and Beyond.

* Laredo Kid over Gringo Loco in a great lucha match.

* Magnum CK over Swoggle.

* Joey Janela over Marty Jannetty.

Source : 411mania



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