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MessagePosté: Dim 24 Juin 2018 08:55 
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Inscription: Lun 3 Nov 2008 21:52
Localisation: vers Bordeaux

Prénom: Julien

Sexe: Masculin

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/djoule33

Lutteur Catch-Dés: Lita
WWE Women
International Trio Champion

* Bayley & Dana Brooke defeated Liv Morgan & Ruby Riott with Sarah Logan. Bayley got the pin after the Bayley to belly on Ruby.

* WWE Cruiserweight Championship: Cedric Alexander defeated Kalisto with the lumbar check.

* The B Team defeated Breezango and Titus Worldwide when Curtis Axel caught a blind tag on Titus O'Neal before he hit Fandango with clash of the Titus, dispatched Titus, and slipped in to get the pin.

* Mojo Rawley defeated No Way Jose with a running fist strike in the corner.

* Finn Balor, Bobby Lashley, and Braun Strowman defeated Jinder Mahal, Kevin Owens, and Baron Corbin when Braun hit Jinder with a power slam.


* .... Elias. He played a little as people were coming back to their seats. Then Bobby Roode came out to interrupt. It lead to a Sweet Child 'O Mine duet before Elias attacked Roode, saying he stole his spotlight. Roode countered, hit a reverse atomic drop and a Glorious DDT.

* WWE Raw Women's Championship: Alexa Bliss defeated Sasha Banks with a roll up after Alexa ducked on an O'Connor roll attempt and Sasha clotheslines herself on the top rope.

* Seth Rollins & Roman Reigns defeated Dolph Ziggler & Drew McIntyre when Rollins hit a superkick and curbstomp on Ziggler.

Source : PWInsider



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