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 Sujet du message: Zicky Dice’s Outlandish Paradise Results 01.15.22
MessagePosté: Dim 16 Jan 2022 17:55 
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Inscription: Lun 3 Nov 2008 21:52
Localisation: vers Bordeaux

Prénom: Julien

Sexe: Masculin

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/djoule33

Lutteur Catch-Dés: Lita
WWE Women
International Trio Champion

- Madusa was introduced and brought Zicky Dice out, who proceeded to call Madusa old and told her to get out of the ring. She said she’s the producer of the show and has a surprise for Dice. She cut to a Twitch cam featuring Paige, who cut a promo on Dice and invited the fans to vote for the type of match Dice will have against Evil Uno tonight.

* Chris Bey & Myron Reed defeated Lord Bengston & Trey Miguel

* nZo defeated Rich Swann

* Carlie Bravo won the Hey Brother Battle Royal

* Effy defeated Dalton Castle

* Thunder Rosa defeated Taya Valkyrie

* Evil Uno defeated Zicky Dice

Source : 411mania



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